أهلاً بكم في البوابة التعليمية لمعرض آفاق جديدة وأبعد ABOVE & BEYOND.
سواءً كنتم مدرسن تحضرون لرحلة ميدانية، أو طلاب تحاولون معرفة المزيد حول مشاهداتكم في المعرض، أو أهل تدعمون اهتمامات أولادكم بقطاع الطيران، أو حتى مبدعين مستقبليين تبحثون عن مهنة محتملة في مجال الطيران، فأنتم في المكان الصحيح. اتبعوا الوصلات التالية لتجدوا ما يهمكم.
This group of exercises provided by NASA is perfectly suited for expanding your in-classroom exploration of the themes in ABOVE AND BEYOND.
The following lessons, listed with their recommended grade levels, are available to download from www.aeronautics.nasa.gov/mib.htm.
NOTE: Please check the supply list for each activity. All materials must be provided by the user.
Dressing for Altitude
Why Do We Really Need Pressure Suits? (5-12)
History of Flight
Designing an Aeronautics Museum Gallery (5-12), First Flyers (PK-4), If These Airplanes Could Talk (5-12)
Parts of an Airplane
Getting on an Airplane (K-2), Parts of an Airplane (K-4, 5-8, & 9-12)
Principles of Flight
Axes/Control Surfaces (K-4 & 5-12), Bernoulli’s Principle (K-4 & 5-12), Foam Wing (K-12), Four Forces (K-4 & 5-12), Kites (K-4 & 5-12), Principles of Flight in Action (9-12)
Structures and Materials
Composites (K-12), Space Shuttle Tiles (2-4, 5-8, & 9-12), Space Shuttle Tires (K-4 & 5-12), Space Shuttle Tires Supplemental Lessons (K-12)
Ball Launcher (5-12), Rockets Away (K-12), Wind Power (9-12)
Future Flight
Aerolab (5-12), Fuel Cell Activity (5-12), Solar Power (5-12)
Careers in Aeronautics
Careers in Aeronautics (5-12)
Contrails (K-12), Noise: Good Vibrations (K-8 & 9-12), Noise: Quieting the Popper (5-12), Noise: Seeing Sound (K-8), Noise: Speed of Sound (9-12), Pollution: Making Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide (K-12), Weather to Fly By (K-8)
NASA Links
Aeronautics for Pre-K
NASA High Flyers Alphabet and Activity Book
Smart Skies
Museum in a Box
Aeronautics for Introductory Physics
NASA ARMD Education Page
NASA Aeronautics Research Onboard Lithographs
Virtual Skies
Beginner’s Guide to Aeronautics